Susan has worked with people from all walks of life including international elite athletes, musicians on world tour, GP's, CEO's, bestselling authors, mothers and fathers, psychotherapists, facilitators, farmers, poets, surfers, DJs, people from all throughout Ireland and globally.

One-to-one work with Susan is deep soul work and includes the creation of bespoke intuited meditations created for each individual, visualisation, breathwork, energy work, practical actionable takeaways, and discussion diving into the deepest aspect of what it means to be human. This is about coming into alignment with the highest aspect of your being.

Susan is here to support you to be all that you can be, to live your greatest potential, to honour what your heart yearns for and therefore to be of greater service as a human being on planet earth right now.

”Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive." - Howard Thurman

Susan, originally from Co. Limerick, works internationally and also from the west coast of Ireland. She also regularly works with people online globally. 

If working with a client over a period of time, she requests that they learn how to meditate as transformation and breakthroughs are exponential when daily meditation is part of the process. This process is about personal embodied empowerment, getting into your power to lead the life your Soul is desiring to live. This is about awakening to the truth of your own essential nature.

If you'd like to discuss more before booking a session feel free to contact Susan for a free 10 minute Zoom conversation to explore what might be possible and to answer all of your questions.

See below for a piece Irish international rugby player Andrew Conway wrote about working with Susan in The Irish Times. Read more testimonials from people who have worked with Susan.

Sessions last from 2 to 2.5 hours. Contact Susan for details, to ask any questions, and to book in for a one-to-one session here.


Andrew Conway is an Ireland International and Munster rugby player. He wrote about working with Susan 1-1 in The Irish Times.

'Intrinsically linked with this is my meditation and well-being. In pre-season before the World Cup the management brought in a woman called Susan Quirke who did one session of group meditation. I thought it was incredible.

I’d done some in the past so I understood what she was asking of us. Being taught the skill by the right person is so important. I had one to one sessions with her multiple times before the World Cup and, as has happened with meditation in schooldays, it filtered in to my performance.

For whatever reason it works for me and I’ve been to her many more times since the World Cup. It’s part counselling, part meditation, part energy work. They’re usually an hour, but can be up two and a half hours.

I also recently learned how to meditate with Susan, I did her Learn to Meditate course, and learned a 'Being technique'. It commits you to two 20 minute meditation practices a day.

She’s been incredibly influential on me as a player but more importantly in my life.'

Taken from the Andrew Conway diary in The Irish Times