Learn to Meditate course


Are you feeling stressed, anxious, fatigued, struggling to sleep or worried about the future?

Are you looking to connect with yourself on a deeper level?

Do you wish to dissolve 'brain fog', cultivate greater focus, clarity of thought, better decision making?

Do you wish to perform to your highest potential and to access deeper layers of joy, dynamism, and creativity?

Are you looking to boost your immune system?

Are you yearning to experience greater peace of mind within yourself?

There is no greater wealth in the world than peace of mind. Meditation is a potent practice that cultivates peace within. The practice releases stress, anxiety and fear, and creates a deep and profound connection with your own deepest being. Meditation is a homecoming, and supports all of the above aspects of life very powerfully. 

In 3 x 1.5 hour sessions you will learn an effortless Being meditation technique, designed for people with busy minds. You will have your own meditation practice for the rest of your life, with a new community of meditators, without ever needing to rely on apps or guided videos again. 

Susan Quirke has taught the life changing practice of meditation to people all throughout the world. She works with people from all walks of life including international elite athletes, musicians, doctors, CEO's, authors, mothers and fathers, psychotherapists, facilitators, community and business leaders, farmers, poets, surfers, DJs, people from all throughout Ireland and globally. Clients have included the Ireland international men's rugby team, Cisco, the University of Limerick, Concern, Three, ESB, Simon Community, The Soar Foundation and Fáilte Ireland. Her work has been featured in the Irish Times, the Sunday Independent and elsewhere.

Upcoming online course dates and times 

Each course is taught live via Zoom over 3 sessions over 3 consecutive days (1.5 hours per session) in a warm friendly small group setting. Places are limited to very small numbers on each course to ensure there is an intimate teaching setting in a supportive environment. 


Irish time zone: EVENING COURSE
Session 1: Tuesday July 30th: 7pm-8.30pm
Session 2: Wednesday July 31st: 7pm-8.30pm
Session 3: Thursday Aug 1st: 7pm-8.30pm

If you would like to run a private course for your family, friends, community, organisation or company, contact Susan to arrange it. 

What you will receive if you learn to meditate with me  

1. A Being meditation technique and practice you will have for the rest of your life. In 3 x sessions you will learn and experience how the practice releases stress, anxiety and fear. It also helps you to access greater energy, peace of mind, clarity, and flow. Meditation connects you with the essence of your being. The practice also deepens access to your power to lead the life to want to live. You will have a strong solid pathway to a daily meditation practice. Many people who have learned with me report that it is this course than finally made meditation stick in their lives. This is a deep, immersive, experiential and participative programme where you will receive live personalised teachings online with me.

Practicing this technique had such a genuine massive radical impact on my own life that I decided to travel to New York and Australia to train with Jonni Pollard, the founder of 1 Giant Mind. I am an advanced certified teacher and have been teaching people all throughout Ireland and all over the world. This Being meditation technique has its roots in Vedic meditation where a mantra pulses effortlessly inside the mind. It is a simple 'letting go' technique, designed for people with very busy minds. You can sit comfortably on a chair, without holding any difficult position, and absolutely no meditation experience is required. There has never been a person I could not teach. It has transformed the lives of so many. Read testimonials here to see how it has changed peoples lives. 

2. The course is just the beginning. Once you have taken my course you will be offered free access to my weekly community meditation gatherings which take place online every Sunday evening where all students who have taken my course are welcome to come and meditate together. We also have Q&A where you can ask me questions. You will benefit from being part of a warm, welcoming and supportive community of fellow meditators to help energise your own practice.  This add on to the course is a favourite of many who come to learn with me. Something very special happens when big groups come to meditate together.

3. Benefits of meditation: Reduced stress, anxiety, fear and fatigue - Improved concentration, focus and memory  -  Increased energy levels, creativity and self-confidence - Improved sleep patterns and relief from insomnia - Ability to make high-speed accurate decisions under pressure - Less reactive and greater emotional stability - A greater sense of happiness and wellbeing - Greater peace of mind - Faster recovery and healing from many different ailments as it boosts the immune system - Feeling happiness within for no external reason


Pricing: a lifetime investment in your well-being    

The course fee, including additional offerings listed above, is 180 euro payable in advance. I never turn anyone away so if you are struggling financially please contact me and we can discuss bursary options. I also often offer a free place on various courses, so please do reach out to me.  If you would like to purchase a voucher as a gift for someone, contact me directly to arrange it.

How to book your place

If you wish to learn with me please complete my simple booking form and then complete payment by clicking on Checkout.  You can pay using PayPal or by using a debit or credit card. This debit/credit card option will appear after you click on Checkout with PayPal, just scroll down and you will see Pay with a bank account or credit cardIf you would prefer to pay for your course via IBAN bank transfer, let me know in the booking form. Once I have received your details, I will be back in touch with you within 24 hours and will send you all the details you need to know to join the course. Any issues booking or additional queries, please let me know. Email me or we can arrange a phone call to discuss your interest. Click on book course now to proceed.   

"Susan is the best meditation teacher I have ever worked with. Her knowledge of the practice and her skillfulness in how to teach it make you feel like you are in safe hands. But, it is her personality and warmth that is her magic. She has such a special way of teaching that it is easy and joy to learn from her. I have never been able to stick with meditation until now. I cannot urge you strongly enough to learn to meditate or deepen your practice with Susan. In my opinion, she is one of the most important teachers in the world."
- Tony Griffin, All Star hurler, Perfomance coach, writer and speaker